Wednesday, December 19

A lot of things..

Yea, today, as the picture above~ MY. fm DJ Ngan Mei Yan came to my uncle's shop to do a Astro Program about Asus latest laptop, well she is pretty among all the DJs..haha.. not really a good day for me, don't feel comfortable. This morning, had a bad dream, will post at later, then when i work... i think, why is it a person so easy to change because of the people around him/her, they are like not themselves anymore, this makes me feel really really so uncomfortable, i know its not my business, but it will still bother me!!

Who want to become famous? I think most of the people want to become famous, they want people know their fuckin name, but for me, I don't want to become famous ler, just like the DJ, when working, suddenly got those mui mui zai come to ask for take picture together, its damn kacau~ I prefer to be the tiny little one in this world ler, nobody will bother me, no people will kacau me, and the most important thing is, I can do whatever i want~ haha..

yes my thinking is different, maybe that's why i got no true friends.. I am on my own, wakakakka...

Now, i've a plan after study, the first salary i get, i'll put a tattoo on my back, writing " 自由人“..hehehe~


Anonymous said...

Hahahah . R u sure u wanan tattoo that ?? Remember to show me ok . Hiak hiak ~~

ngan mei yan is so so so PRETTY !!

国源 said...

Yaya..i wanna tattoo that, sure show you when i tattoo..
haha..yea, can't deny she's pretty , but she seems like not that friendly ler, the guy more friendly!

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