Haha..i think that this is really interesting, i never see this before, this machine must be very expensive, got selling alcohol license some more ! ( Maybe other people see until sienz liao leh)

* Have been quite down recently, went to jogging this evening, really old ler.. just run a bit only then started to breath heavily, means that i need more exercise, i've decide to jog everyday ler, must keep my body fit, so can challenge those youngster to play basketball mah! haha..
At the park where i went jogging this evening, i sat down somewhere, and think.. what did i miss in my life, what i did wrong in my life.. the answer is " A LOT!!!!"
wah...sound interesting 2 those Malay lor...coz they cant buy those drink so public de ma...so no need to simpan simpan lor...kakakaka....
haha..yalor..so they can curi curi buy and curi curi drink!haha..
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