Friday, July 28

I turn to you

I woke up yesterday early in the morning,around 6:30am,but strange,don't feel any tiredness or sleepymayb u slept a bit early the night before?
I was the 1 who brought my gf to her university yesterday,because i promise her to watch movie with her,i know she'll be very happy if i spend some time to accompany her,since i always busy n no time to walk walk n shopping with her..
After reached her university,she straight away went to her classroom ,& i walked to the foodcourt at there,i ordered a san francisco's vannila latte with no vannila taste & started to listen to my lovely ipod mini n play the psp..while waiting my gf.. I Jz put some oldies inside my ipod,some songs is 80's,some jz last 5-6 year song..they're always nice to listen..
I let it in the shuffle mode,the songs keep on shuffle,& all the memory passby my mind..i thought of many thing,remind me many things .what i did at tht time.. .it makes me feel like wanna back to the old times..
Finally it jump to a song tht i like very much,christina aguilera's i turn to you..suddenly her mv flash back in my memory..I know many people dun like her song,dun like her style now..buit dont u guys think tht her voice are amazing?i'm always here to support her n listen to her song..

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