1. Setiap anggota harus memberikan opini
2. Setiap anggota harus memberikan kontribusi serta solusi
3. Harus ditentukan dahulu goals/objective dr kegiatan knowledge sharing ini
4. Moderator hrs mampu menggali dan meng-explore pengetahuan dari masing2 anggota dengan menggunakan pertanyaan yang baik
5. Harus ada hasil/kesepakatan dari diskusi
I found the above Sentences quite fun..its fun,not funny huh! haha..
Maybe they're already become a malay language but i dunno..
As I know,opini shoud be the 'opinion' in english word!
So what mean the 'opinion' in malay leh?
The answer is 'pendapat'!
Haha..they already have their own word what, i jz wander why they wan to turn the english word into their language!
For ppl who dun understand malay,i'll translate into english for the Englay maglish word!!
Meng-explore=wow..this is hard for me,i dunno how to translate,'Exploring' maybe?
(Well,'meng' is to add in front of the root word to become a verb!)
Maybe this is what they call Knowledge Sharing?
* Well..actually i'm proud to be a chinese Malaysian,Caz i get to know many kind of language..haha
I know Mandarin lar,cantonese lar,Hokkien lar,a bit techew lar,a bit hokchow lar,a bit hakka lar,malay lar,n a really little bit of bahasa Tamil..hehe..thx Malaysia! N August 31th gonna come soon! Hehe~
Contribution = kontribusi
Solution = Solusi
communication = kommunikasi
nation = nasi ?
haha..this kind of thg u need to ask the malay traslator ler,
i thk it shud be nasi i thk..haha!!
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